Return online

Simply submit a return request online. Fill in the details correctly and go through all the steps. We will process the application as soon as possible. Upon approval, you will receive an email to complete the application. If the application has not yet been approved, our customer service will contact you.

Note: Always keep the Track & Trace code as proof of your return shipment. This way we can serve you better!

Return Form


Compatible file extensions to upload: png, jpg, jpeg, gif

Maximum 300 characters

Sorry, your return cannot be created because it does not meet our Return conditions.


The purchase amount and shipping costs are reimbursed by Pupa Makeup. The return costs are for your own account. These costs will be deducted from the purchase amount of the returned products. You will receive the amount or the replacement products within 14 calendar days after the return shipment has arrived at Pupa Makeup.